A friend was kind enough to pick up a bottle of gin for Hello Kitty while on a trip to London, and we agreed to meet up for lunch so that I could take delivery. Sushi Shin (鮨辰) is a place he frequents, and since I had only been there once back in 2010, I was happy to catch up with him there.
My friend arrived a few minutes before I did, and I found him seated at the counter. I imagine the chef already knows what he goes for, and he's informed the chef about my no-tuna policy. Off we go with some sashimi.
Young yellowtail (ハマチ) - smoked with cherry wood.
Splendid alfonsino (金目鯛) - torched.
Monkfish liver (鮟肝) - always love how creamy and rich this is.
Botan shrimp (牡丹海老) - from Hokkaido, and served with a sauce made of its own tomalley.
Bonito (鰹) - smoked with straw, and skin was torched. The minced garlic on top was pretty damn strong. Very nice otherwise.

Pacific saury (秋刀魚) - nice and fatty.
Ark shell (赤貝)
Sweet shrimp (甘海老)
Sea urchin (雲丹) - pretty decent.
Rosy seabass (黒睦) - pretty nice, and came with spring onions and grated radish (おろし).
Flounder wing (縁側) - torched to melt the collagen. So yum.
Calabash roll (干瓢巻き) - the chef had temporarily forgotten my no-tuna policy, and made a whole fatty tuna and scallion roll (ネギトロ巻き) for the two of us to share. After he realized his mistake, my friend took the entire roll and the chef made me a substitute - although I would argue that I got the short end of the stick with this particular substitution...
The roll was cut into four pieces. I took half of the first piece in one bite, and immediately my sinuses got cleared. The chef had put so much wasabi (or was it a mixture of wasabi and horseradish?) that I couldn't taste anything else. By the time I finished the first piece, I was hard time paying attention to whatever my friend was saying to me.
I decided to try a second piece. Same thing. The kick of the wasabi just built up cumulatively, and by this time my eyes were starting to water and I tried very hard to focus to stop tears from coming out. I also tried not to show any sign of the pain I was feeling. I took another bite of piece #3 and gave up.
Egg (卵)
(Coffee and almond?) ice cream
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